Armenian News Network / Groong

The Literary Groong - 06/09/2006

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	By William Michaelian

	The south wind rises
	stirs leaves among
	Fresno graves

	I am reminded
	of past storms
	ruined raisins

	the two of us
	walking through
	muddy fields

	bending over trays
	stuck to the ground
	in perfect rotting rows

	father and son
	using simple words
	to express amazement

	hide disappointment
	convince ourselves
	next year will be better

Several of William Michaelian's poems and short stories have appeared
in Ararat. Many have also been translated into Armenian, and have been
published in Yerevan in Garun, Grakan Tert, Aghpyur, and Artasamanyan
Grakanutyun. The author maintains an extensive website at

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