Armenian News Network / Groong
1935/1936 Season Sunday School Photograph Taken by Kazaros Sarkis Melikian at
the Armenian Church of Our Saviour, Worcester, Massachusetts: putting a face on
a group photograph of first-generation American Armenian youngsters through a
heroic effort to identify them.
March 20,
Special to Groong by Abraham
D. Krikorian and Eugene L. Taylor
Normally we try to keep a low profile because it gives us
time to do the things that we feel are most important to us. But today we do not hesitate to give
ourselves a bit of credit for a job that we think deserves an accolade of Òwell
done.Ó [Endnote 1]
Over a dozen years ago we initiated a project that we named
the ÒMelikian ProjectÓ — so designated because it entailed a substantial
effort on our part — in fact, a very major endeavor. The project was aimed at documenting in
a preliminary way at least, and assessing and evaluating at various levels, the
many photographs and related materials connected with the collections and professional
work of Kazaros Sarkis Melikian, born in the village of Yegheke, Kharpert and
emigrated to Worcester, Massachusetts where he spent the rest of his life. After a considerable effort, we were
able to convince the Division of Prints and Photographs of the Library of
Congress to accept the material as a gift from K.S. MelikianÕs daughter, Mary
Christine Melikian. See
Unfortunately, by the time the Library of Congress got
around to writing a formal letter of acceptance of the gift, Mary had
unexpectedly passed away September 22, 2015. The letter from the Gift Officer at the
Library acknowledging formal acceptance and giving thanks for the gift was
dated November 24, 2015. Efforts
had been made by us considerably earlier by email to get the Library of
Congress to send a letter promptly to Mary knowing she was in her late 80s and
in diminishing health. She had experienced
several recent hospitalizations, though none by any measure life-threatening. Perhaps the belated letter of thanks falls
into the category of ÒBetter late than neverÓ? Asdvadz gideh [God knows]. One should not expect anything to happen
promptly in Washington, DC. We
Those of us who knew and loved Mary feel certain that she
Ôwent out on a high note.Õ No doubt
about that because on the late afternoon prior to the morning she passed away, we
had literally just finished reviewing and finalizing a letter of thanks over
the telephone that she had wanted to be sent out to all those connected with
getting the Melikian Project completed and into the hands of the Library of
Congress. Mary was very pleased and
happy that this last obligation was done.
She expressed once again her great satisfaction to her cousin June Benoit
after she had spoken to us and was
very pleased how things had worked out. By early the following morning she had
peacefully passed away.
After her fatherÕs death on March 1, 1969, Mary had successfully
carried on her fatherÕs work at the Photo Studio with the help and cooperation
of her cousin June. Both felt it
important to preserve K.S. MelikianÕs work and legacy at all costs, especially
the early materials. (MaryÕs father
was the younger brother of JuneÕs grandfather Mardiros. JuneÕs mother was MardirosÕ middle
daughter. Unfortunately, June never
knew her grandfather but she did work part-time for her Uncle, MaryÕs father, even
after she finished her degree studies at Clark University in Worcester.)
The Armenian community owes a lot not only to Mr. Melikian,
but also to Mary and June. It still
frightens us to contemplate what might have happened to this storehouse, nay treasure house, of Armenian heritage in
photographs had we not taken things in hand when we did. It was not completed a minute too soon.
So far, we have written only a few background things about
the project, and Asbed Bedrossian has kindly posted them on Groong and archived
them under our rubric ÒWitnesses to Massacres and Genocide and their Aftermath:
Probing the Photographic Record.Ó See:
and [Endnotes 2 and 3]
After Mary died, we updated and posted on our You Tube ÒConscience
FilmsÓ site a video we had made at the Melikian Studio in 2006 referred to as Òa
retrospective.Ó [Endnote 4]
The ÔupdateÕ which includes MaryÕs letter of appreciation to
all who worked to get the collection to the Library of Congress, may be seen on
our Conscience Films site on You Tube.
Armenian Sunday School Photograph
Virtually everyone we know has a family scrap book or
photograph collection that is not as well labeled or captioned as it should be,
or could be. One of the photos that
many Worcester area people are aware of but which had generally been poorly
labeled is what has come to be known as the ÒArmenian Sunday School
Picture.Ó We have shown and
referred to this photo, albeit only in passing, in our video on the ÒArmenian
Orphan Rug made for the White House in 1925Ó [Endnote 5]
After retirement, one of us (ADK) thought that the Melikian
Studio materials deserved special attention. We took the bull by the horns, made
arrangements as to scheduling etc .and off we went.
Ever-believing that one should aim at Òkilling two birds
with one stoneÓ we undertook a cooperative effort to see whether we could
identify those in the Sunday School Picture by K.S. Melikian. The first thing was to make as good a
copy as possible of the Sunday School picture through scanning
the best print we could find
at the time. We say Òat the
timeÓ because it may well turn out that among the Library of Congress things a
better photograph or negative of the photograph may surface. It will be a matter of luck, pure and
After we ended up with a satisfactory photograph digitally
scanned, we decided that the next task was to place numbers in red on each of
the individuals and make prints large enough to allow good examination. Microsoft Excel Spread sheets were
produced and sent around with copies of the photograph along with enlargements to
individuals who were, in fact, present in the picture as kids and to others who
may have had older relatives in the picture. Round and round the pictures and spread
sheets went. The proverbial Òeverybody
and his or her cousinÓ had a chance to examine and cogitate and arbitrate. The picture was also displayed in the
Church of our Savior in Worcester Mass. after it was virtually completed with
individuals identified to the best of our combined abilities.
We cannot thank enough those who participated and spent a
huge amount of time examining faces.
Some are, sadly, now deceased.
We present in the following pages the outcome of this group
effort. ÔAllÕ it took was some
individuals such as ourselves to ÔspearheadÕ the effort. Few of the contacts used email so the
project was accomplished primarily by communicating in person or through US Mail
and the telephone.
we present identifications by number.
Then we present them alphabetically sorted by surname.
Even though many identifications could not be made, it
should be understood that this was by no means a casual effort.
We are very pleased that we did what we could and that it
was done while people were vigorous, able and interested enough to
participate. Indeed, everyone who
participated saw how important this project was. No one hesitated to help.
for Additional Identifications
If there is anyone who can help identify any of the
individuals now designated ÒUnidentifiedÓ please let us know.
We hope that this presentation will underscore the value of
making every effort to identify individuals in group photographs to help
preserve the rich history that can be extracted from them. We have read that there is an increased
interest in genealogy among those with Armenian roots or connections. Surely the identification of photographs
of this sort can set an example and add to such efforts. After all, Worcester was an epicenter of
immigration to America.
The vast majority in the photograph were descendants of at
least one parent who survived the Genocide and ÔdeportationsÕ.
of the K.S. Melikian Collection
We predict without any hesitation whatever that the full value
of the collection will become appreciated only slowly.
The worth as a cultural legacy will only become evident as
people undertake serious study of Mr. MelikianÕs work and what he sought to
collect. A modest and necessarily
short entry is made on his work in Ruth ThomasianÕs treatment on Armenian
photographers in the ÒArmenians in New England.Ó [Endnote 5]
It is beyond our intention here to provide a listing of
those books in which Melikian Studio and Collection photographs appear. We will give here a few from the more
recent ones even though quite a few older works took advantage of what he could
supply [Endnote 6]
[Endnote 1]
Kharpertsis might say either aferim
(bravo, good for you! The word aferim is derived from Turkish via
Persian), or abriss (Ôlong lifeÕ or
Ômay you flourishÕ in Armenian) and is fairly widely used throughout the Near
and Middle East.
[Endnote 2] See ÒMary
Christine Melikian of Worcester, Massachusetts died at the age of 89 on 22
September 2015. A SAD NOTE OF
THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESSÓ: ÒCommentary, and a Notice of a Video Posting on You
Tube by Taylor and Krikorian entitled ÒKazar Sarkis Melikian Studio, Worcester,
Mass.Ó MaryÕs father, Kazar Sarkis
Melikian, was an important preserver and photographer of Armenian heritage and
the Armenian experience – from Kharpert to America. The video was made in 2006 and can be
seen at: ÒThose Interested in Armenian and
Armenian-related Photos Can Show their Commitment to Preservation of their
Heritage. What follows includes an
overview of the Melikian Project.
It includes a letter of thanks from Mary completed and finalized the
late in the afternoon the day before she died peacefully and unexpectedly.Ó
Armenian News Network / Groong October 11, 2015
3] ÒArmenian Master Photographer
Kazar Sarkis Melikian Collection and Melikian Photo Studio Work Donated to the
Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. K.S. MelikianÕs Daughter Mary Christine
Melikian Passed Away 22 September 2015 (unexpectedly and peacefully) the
morning after an Ôopen letter of thanksÕ to those involved in the project had
been completed.Ó Armenian News
Network / Groong, October 15, 2015
4] Mary C. Melikian, June P. Benoit,
Abraham D. Krikorian and Eugene L. Taylor (2006) ÒMelikian Studio, a retrospective.Ó
Filmed and edited by Eugene L. Taylor. Conscience Films, Port Jefferson, L.I.
New York. In two parts. Part One
(56 minutes); Part Two (62 minutes).
These 2 discs concentrate on the Studio and its work. Little effort was made in these videos
to say much about the Collections as they related to the ÒYerghir/ErghirÓ or
Old Country.
5] See our ÒHistory of the Armenian
Orphan RugÉÓ on our Conscience Films You Tube site at See especially
at 26:26 and following for commentary on the photograph.
6] Ruth Thomasian (2006) ÒArmenian
Photographers of New EnglandÓ in The
Armenians of New England. Celebrating a culture and preserving a heritage. Papers presented April 9-10 1999 at
Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts, Marc A. Mamigonian)
(Armenian Heritage Press, National Association for Armenian Studies and
Research, Belmont, MA, pages 189-205.)
7] A few recent examples may be
given. ÒThe First Armenian Church in America; an outline and documents.Ó (1991,
Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center, Diocese of the Armenian Church of
America, 630 Second Avenue, New York City), 134 pgs. [now the Eastern Diocese Armenian
Church of America]; Father Arten AshjianÕs ÒAn Armenian Monks Ministry on Two
Continents: the story of Archbishop Hovsep SarajianÓ (2006, St VartanÕs Press,
New York City), 136 pages; Marion Der KazarianÕs ÒSacrifice and Redemption: a
personal chronicle of the 1915 Armenian Genocide and the Worcester Armenian
CommunityÓ (1995, Baikar Publications, Watertown, Massachusetts), 276 pages; H.
Martin DeranianÕs ÒWorcester is
America: the story of WorcesterÕs Armenians: the early years (1998, Bennate
Publishing, Worcester, MA), 222 pages; Pamela Apkarian-RussellÕs ÒArmenians of
WorcesterÓ (2000, Arcadia, Charleston, SC) 128 pages; Sargon and Nino DonabedÕs
ÒAssyrians of Eastern MassachusettsÓ (2006, Arcadia, Charleston, SC), 126
pages; Harry G. SogigianÕs ÒThe Uprooting and Rebirth of the Soghigian FamilyÓ
(2002, Privately printed 80 pages).
A copy
of the ÒoriginalÕ print used.
Copy of
Digital Scan with Numbers Added in Red.
The following
pages provide close-ups for easier viewing. Then we provide a key to the numbers;
this, in turn, is followed with alphabetization by last name.
of Individuals in Sunday School Picture Sorted by Number |
Number |
Last Name |
First Name |
Armenian Name |
Nickname |
Married to |
1 |
Unidentified |
2 |
Sharigian |
Simon |
3 |
Terzian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Liz |
Robert Golden |
4 |
Alexander |
Alice |
5 |
Aslanian |
George |
"Head" or "Herbie" |
Susan Derderian |
6 |
Arakelian |
Charlotte |
Robert J. Ghize |
7 |
Toromanian |
Khatchadour |
Khatchadour |
Kachie |
Rose Melikian |
8 |
Nishanian |
Anthony |
Antranig |
Tony |
9 |
Aslanian |
Agnes |
Aznif [Azniv] |
Aggie |
Mesak "Mickey" Sagarian |
10 |
Davis |
Paul |
Barbara Michaelian |
11 |
Unidentified |
12 |
Krikorian |
Jacob |
Hagop |
Jake "1:15" or "2:30" |
13 |
Kazarian |
Rose |
Vartouhie or Varter?? |
Vahan Yaylaian |
14 |
Kasparian |
Naomi |
"Bon Ami" |
15 |
Sharigian |
Rose |
16 |
Unidentified |
17 |
Sharigian |
Mary |
Mariam |
Arthur [Armen] Najarian |
18 |
Tavajian |
Rose |
Navart |
19 |
Sharigian |
?? |
20 |
Chilingarian |
Lucy |
21 |
Kasparian |
Charles |
Charlie |
22 |
Terzian |
Ann |
Edward Kachajian |
23 |
Arakelian |
Gregory |
Krikor |
24 |
Alexander |
Helen |
25 |
Merzigian |
John |
Hovannes |
Johnny |
Elisa Gorgoglione; Jean Malone |
26 |
Nishanian |
Peter |
Bedros |
Pete |
Carey? |
27 |
Hovagimian |
Sima |
Sima |
?? Bellville |
28 |
Krikorian |
B. Paul |
Boghos Paul (legal) |
Paulie or "Knobby" |
Gladys Bennyan |
29 |
Unidentified |
30 |
Kazarian |
Julia |
Juvahr |
Julie |
Harry Kiremitjian |
31 |
Unidentified |
32 |
Frankian |
Anthony |
Antranig |
Tony |
33 |
Unidentified |
34 |
Yazijian |
Arnold |
Arnie |
Rosalie Najarian |
35 |
Hoogasian |
Katherine |
[Khatch??]Khatoun |
Katherine "Kay" |
James Sarkisian |
36 |
Unidentified |
37 |
Unidentified |
38 |
Unidentified |
39 |
Tavajian |
Jack |
40 |
Unidentified |
41 |
Unidentified |
42 |
Shooshan |
Charles |
Charlie |
Betty Bagdigian |
43 |
Unidentified |
44 |
Pashoian |
Lucy |
Lucine |
Abraham Sivazlian |
45 |
Damian |
Nellie |
46 |
Unidentified |
47 |
Mooradian |
Anne |
Sarkis Moroukian |
48 |
Mooshagian |
Catherine |
John Balian |
49 |
Sagarian |
John |
Belva Benson |
50 |
Adjelian |
John |
51 |
Aslanian [Takvorian] |
Ardash |
Ardashes |
Ardie |
52 |
Hovanesian |
Elsie |
Yeghisapet |
Elsie |
Aram Arvanigian |
53 |
Unidentified |
54 |
Pachanian |
Zaven |
Dorothy M. Carlson |
55 |
Kerkorian |
George |
"Irish" |
Darlene Huber |
56 |
Krikorian |
Alice |
Armenouhie |
Michael [Mousegh] Gulbankian |
57 |
Unidentified |
58 |
Krikorian |
Anna |
Anahid |
Annie |
Marino DeMango |
59 |
Harootian |
Hirache |
Hratch [Hrach] |
Beverly Alexander |
60 |
Simonian |
Bizer |
Baidzar |
Bizer "Betty" |
61 |
Kazarian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Lizzie |
Roy H. Wheeler |
62 |
Davajian |
63 |
Unidentified |
64 |
Unidentified |
65 |
Bogosian |
Raymond |
Ray |
66 |
Unidentified |
67 |
Unidentified |
68 |
Kazarian |
Sadie |
Satenig |
Takvor ["Tak"] Takvorian |
69 |
Goshgarian |
Rose |
Owen Robert Simmons |
70 |
Mooshagian |
Anne |
John Karakehian |
71 |
Ishlamejian |
Derouhie |
Derouhie |
Peter Ishlamejian |
72 |
Rustigian |
Sarkis |
Zabel Rustigian |
73 |
Mekjian |
Rev. Agop |
74 |
Deranian |
Mardiros |
Mardiros |
75 |
Rustigian |
Zabel |
76 |
Simonian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Elsie |
James Melikian |
77 |
Simonian |
Pannonia |
Pannonia |
Pam ["Panon"] |
Robert Apkarian |
78 |
Simonian |
Eva |
Eva |
Roger Haroyan |
79 |
Davagian |
Sahag |
Sahag |
Sahag |
Sharkey Der Harootunian |
80 |
Davagian |
Dorthy |
Jerry Ludwig Stepanian |
81 |
Sahagian |
Louise |
James Murphy |
82 |
Bilzerian |
Irene |
Irene |
Henry Shooshan |
83 |
Derderian |
Sophie |
George Shamgochian |
84 |
Adamian |
Nellie |
85 |
Unidentified |
86 |
Nordigian |
Gladys |
87 |
White |
Lucy |
Lusine |
Armand Zakarian |
88 |
Merzigian |
Anna |
Anna |
George Krikorian |
89 |
Krikorian |
Anne |
Anna |
Annie |
Owen Paelian |
90 |
Der Harootunian |
Sharkey |
Sharkey |
Sharkey |
Sahag Davagian |
91 |
Bogosian |
Yeprad |
92 |
Koobatian |
Ruth |
Ruth |
Arthur Derderian |
93 |
Koobatian |
John |
94 |
Koobatian |
Ester |
John Dascho |
95 |
Jalloian |
Robert |
Bagdasar |
Bob or "Jello" |
96 |
Jalloian |
Mary |
Mariam |
Suren Daniels |
97 |
Shamoian |
Edward |
Eddie |
Mary Avakian |
98 |
Chilingarian |
Zarouhie |
Zarie |
?? Bohigian |
99 |
Jardarian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Betty (Araxi's sister) |
Harry Mardirosian |
100 |
Kurtigian |
Elizabeth |
George Haffty |
101 |
Mouradian |
Berj |
Berj |
Bert |
Irene ?? |
102 |
Mooradian |
George |
Helen Kerkorian |
103 |
Denielian |
John |
104 |
Mekjian |
Edward |
Eddie |
Kay ?? |
105 |
Mekjian |
Vaughn |
Vahe |
Mary Apkarian |
106 |
Takvorian Aslanian |
Pearl |
Hanna Harutounian |
107 |
Zakarian |
Berjouhie |
Berjouhie |
108 |
Piligian |
Susan |
Charles Mooradian |
109 |
Manooshian |
Margaret |
Maggie |
Asbed Zakarian |
110 |
Manooshian |
Rose |
Jack Jamgochian |
111 |
Martin |
Elda |
Adam Malesky |
112 |
Sogigian |
Rose |
113 |
Piligian |
Rose |
Jack Manooshian |
114 |
Hovanesian |
Eunice |
Yeprad |
Nicholas Improta |
115 |
Der Harootunian |
Susie |
116 |
Unidentified |
117 |
Anusbigian |
Marion |
Deran Dinjian |
118 |
Manoogian |
Mary |
119 |
Krikorian |
Virginia |
?? Johnson |
120 |
Unidentified |
121 |
Keropian |
Anita |
Malcolm Bedourian |
122 |
Barsamian |
Anthony |
Antranig |
"Anto" or Tony |
Jennie Markarian |
123 |
Unidentified |
124 |
Tartarian |
Mary |
125 |
Torosian |
Rose |
Nicholas Alexanian |
126 |
Hovsepian |
Dove |
Aghavnie |
Robert Bohigian |
Robert Bohigian |
127 |
Pashoian |
Martha |
Marta |
128 |
Melikian |
Mary |
129 |
Thompson |
Mary |
Elias Atamian |
130 |
Danielian |
Pauline |
Karekin Agazarian |
131 |
Derderian |
Joseph |
Hovsep |
Joe |
Rose Mosoian |
132 |
Kasperian |
David |
"Moe" |
133 |
Harutunian |
John |
134 |
Merzigian |
Kizer |
Khazar |
Kizer "Funny Guy" |
Mary Derderian |
135 |
Mooradian |
Minas |
Minas |
Ann ?? |
136 |
Simonian |
Thomas |
Toomas or Tovmas |
Tommy |
Jean Kaloostian |
137 |
Kazarian |
Kizer |
Khazar |
Kizer |
Elizabeth Nordigian |
138 |
Simonian |
Samuel |
Simon |
Sammy |
Rita Fenlon |
139 |
Simonian |
Oghda |
Oghda |
Ogda/Iggie/Oggie |
Philip A. O'Gulian |
140 |
Simonian |
Paramaz |
Paramaz |
Bobby "Louie" |
Doris Poirer |
141 |
Zakarian |
Asbed |
Asbed |
Ozzie |
Margaret Manooshian |
142 |
Kachajian |
Margaret |
143 |
Unidentified |
144 |
Sahagian |
Nancy |
Namzoor |
Garabed Hovanesian |
145 |
Unidentified |
146 |
Kazarian |
Helen |
Zartar |
Nishan Nishanian |
147 |
Arakelian |
Alice |
Jerry Lacey |
148 |
Harootian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Liz |
Louis Mikitarian |
149 |
Unidentified |
150 |
Menzigian |
151 |
Deranian |
Martin |
Hagop Mardiros |
Virginia Derderian |
152 |
Aznavourian |
Virginia |
153 |
Shooshan |
Margaret |
Zabelle |
Rudy Mooradian |
154 |
Pilibosian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Lizzie or Betty |
Ralph E. Sheehan |
155 |
Setrakian |
Margaret |
156 |
Goshgarian |
Shooshan?? |
157 |
Unidentified |
158 |
Unidentified |
159 |
Unidentified |
160 |
Bagdigian |
Dorothy |
Arthur Yagjian |
161 |
Unidentified |
161 |
Unidentified |
162 |
Houmere |
Peter |
Rose Berberian |
163 |
Hovagimian |
Azad |
Azad |
Rose Hampasoumian |
164 |
Yazijian |
Harvey |
"Hoggie" |
165 |
Aznovourian |
Vahan |
"Voo" |
166 |
Sharigian |
Charles |
Garabed |
Charlie |
Ann Samuelian |
167 |
Unidentified |
168 |
Unidentified |
169 |
Boghosian |
Paul |
Boghos |
Armon Gahvejian |
170 |
Hougasian |
Frank |
Vahan |
Frankie |
Zivart Kaloustian |
171 |
Arakelian |
Arthur |
Art |
Rose Ferrante |
172 |
Unidentified |
173 |
Melikian |
James |
Jirair |
Jim |
Elizabeth Simonian |
174 |
Surabian |
Alice |
175 |
Krikorian |
Elizateth |
Betty |
?? |
176 |
Unidentified |
177 |
Boudurian |
Helen |
178 |
Nishanian |
Nishan |
Nishan |
Nish |
Helen Kazarian |
179 |
Unidentified |
180 |
Mooshagian |
Martin |
Mardiros |
Mary Der Bagdasarian |
182 |
Unidentified |
183 |
Arakelian |
George |
Krikor |
"Cookie" |
Pearl Paloulian |
184 |
Unidentified |
185 |
Unidentified |
186 |
Menzigian |
Richard |
"Dixie" |
187 |
Unidentified |
188 |
Jardarian |
Florence |
Harry Douvadjian |
189 |
Aznavoorian |
Margaret |
190 |
Chilingarian |
Charles |
Garabed |
191 |
Baljian |
Rose |
Nevart |
Rose |
Christian Metz?? |
192 |
Jardarian |
Roxie |
Araxi |
193 |
Tashjian |
Margaret |
Ernie?? |
194 |
Mossessian |
Gerald |
Gerry |
Ann Gosdanian |
195 |
Jorjorian |
George or John |
196 |
Jorjorian |
George or John |
197 |
White |
Dorthy |
John Balian |
198 |
Ajamian |
Edward |
Yervant |
Ed |
199 |
Krikorian |
George |
Kirkor |
Kiki |
Anna Merzigian |
200 |
Merzigian |
Jacob |
Hagop |
Jake |
Vartie Davidian |
201 |
Derderian |
Thomas |
Toros |
Tom or "Tootie" |
202 |
Mouradian |
Charles |
Garabed |
Garbo |
Susan Piligian |
203 |
Unidentified |
204 |
Krikorian |
John |
205 |
Unidentified |
of Individuals in Sunday School Picture Sorted by Last Name |
Number |
Last Name |
First Name |
Armenian Name |
Nickname |
Married to |
51 |
Aslanian [Takvorian] |
Ardash |
Ardashes |
Ardie |
84 |
Adamian |
Nellie |
50 |
Adjelian |
John |
198 |
Ajamian |
Edward |
Yervant |
Ed |
4 |
Alexander |
Alice |
24 |
Alexander |
Helen |
117 |
Anusbigian |
Marion |
Deran Dinjian |
6 |
Arakelian |
Charlotte |
Robert J. Ghize |
23 |
Arakelian |
Gregory |
Krikor |
147 |
Arakelian |
Alice |
Jerry Lacey |
171 |
Arakelian |
Arthur |
Art |
Rose Ferrante |
183 |
Arakelian |
George |
Krikor |
"Cookie" |
Pearl Paloulian |
5 |
Aslanian |
George |
"Head" or "Herbie" |
Susan Derderian |
9 |
Aslanian |
Agnes |
Aznif [Azniv] |
Aggie |
Mesak "Mickey" Sagarian |
189 |
Aznavoorian |
Margaret |
152 |
Aznavourian |
Virginia |
165 |
Aznovourian |
Vahan |
"Voo" |
160 |
Bagdigian |
Dorothy |
Arthur Yagjian |
191 |
Baljian |
Rose |
Nevart |
Rose |
Christian Metz?? |
122 |
Barsamian |
Anthony |
Antranig |
"Anto" or Tony |
Jennie Markarian |
82 |
Bilzerian |
Irene |
Irene |
Henry Shooshan |
169 |
Boghosian |
Paul |
Boghos |
Armon Gahvejian |
65 |
Bogosian |
Raymond |
Ray |
91 |
Bogosian |
Yeprad |
177 |
Boudurian |
Helen |
20 |
Chilingarian |
Lucy |
98 |
Chilingarian |
Zarouhie |
Zarie |
?? Bohigian |
190 |
Chilingarian |
Charles |
Garabed |
45 |
Damian |
Nellie |
130 |
Danielian |
Pauline |
Karekin Agazarian |
79 |
Davagian |
Sahag |
Sahag |
Sahag |
Sharkey Der Harootunian |
80 |
Davagian |
Dorthy |
Jerry Ludwig Stepanian |
62 |
Davajian |
10 |
Davis |
Paul |
Barbara Michaelian |
103 |
Denielian |
John |
90 |
Der Harootunian |
Sharkey |
Sharkey |
Sharkey |
Sahag Davagian |
115 |
Der Harootunian |
Susie |
74 |
Deranian |
Mardiros |
Mardiros |
151 |
Deranian |
Martin |
Hagop Mardiros |
Virginia Derderian |
83 |
Derderian |
Sophie |
George Shamgochian |
131 |
Derderian |
Joseph |
Hovsep |
Joe |
Rose Mosoian |
201 |
Derderian |
Thomas |
Toros |
Tom or "Tootie" |
32 |
Frankian |
Anthony |
Antranig |
Tony |
69 |
Goshgarian |
Rose |
Owen Robert Simmons |
156 |
Goshgarian |
Shooshan?? |
59 |
Harootian |
Hirache |
Hratch [Hrach] |
Beverly Alexander |
148 |
Harootian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Liz |
Louis Mikitarian |
133 |
Harutunian |
John |
35 |
Hoogasian |
Katherine |
[Khatch??]Khatoun |
Katherine "Kay" |
James Sarkisian |
170 |
Hougasian |
Frank |
Vahan |
Frankie |
Zivart Kaloustian |
162 |
Houmere |
Peter |
Rose Berberian |
27 |
Hovagimian |
Sima |
Sima |
?? Bellville |
163 |
Hovagimian |
Azad |
Azad |
Rose Hampasoumian |
52 |
Hovanesian |
Elsie |
Yeghisapet |
Elsie |
Aram Arvanigian |
114 |
Hovanesian |
Eunice |
Yeprad |
Nicholas Improta |
126 |
Hovsepian |
Dove |
Aghavnie |
Robert Bohigian |
Robert Bohigian |
71 |
Ishlamejian |
Derouhie |
Derouhie |
Peter Ishlamejian |
95 |
Jalloian |
Robert |
Bagdasar |
Bob or "Jello" |
96 |
Jalloian |
Mary |
Mariam |
Suren Daniels |
99 |
Jardarian |
Elizabeth |
Yeghisapet |
Betty (Araxi's sister) |
Harry Mardirosian |
188 |